Celebrities Who Practice Numerology

Many Celebrities Practice Numerology And Respect Their Significance

Numerology has not been very popular in the past. At least, it was not openly admitted as such. Nowadays however, even celebrities practice it and are not shy when it comes to admitting it. Why should they be? Every person living on Earth should follow his/her own path in life. If numerology helps us understand ourselves better or even learn what changes might be recommended in life, why not take advantage of it? Many celebrities have made quite a passion out of talking to numerologists in their attempt to discover as much as possible about themselves. Let’s see some of the celebrities known worldwide and their numerology insights.

Julia Roberts

She definitely is the seeker of simple points. She is more than aware of herself and her role in the world as a spiritual being. She pursues a lifestyle path with questions from the unknown. Finding solutions in her case is a constant goal. All in all, these are the real secrets of her lifestyle according to numerology and she is well aware of this.


Have you ever imagined Rihanna as a numerology fan? Let’s see what her name means in terms of numerology to gain more insights on her personality. She is talented and even her name proves it. Creativity is her main asset. This is her true life path.

Jessica Alba

What do you think that numerology has in store for Jessica Alba? She has a great potential to become a valuable spiritual adviser. She is among the few ones to have a conquer number. 33 is as great as 11 in numerology. Success and a deep understanding of the spiritual world is what numerology sees in her name.

Related Article:  The Real Truth about Numerology and why it work wonders

Keira Knightley

She is the proud member of routing number of life 1 category. She came to this world with amazing determination to fulfill her life purpose. Her drive is what makes us always eager to move forwards and face new challenges. She is like an in born pioneer. Her mind is her greatest asset.

Leonardo di Caprio

He is the proud carrier of the number 7 life path. Seeking the truth is one of his main purposes. He is quite spiritual and he knows it. His life path is the living proof of this. Leonardo di Caprio is a dedicated personality in terms of numerology. He likes to explore new things and ways to find real answers to his life quizzes.

Celine Dion

What do you think is her magic number? 3. She lives an existence based on the number 3 life path. She is very creative and able to self-express easily. She is in the same category as numerous famous actors, writers and musicians. Talent is their main asset. They are also highly intelligent and do not mind engaging in smart conversations with other people.

Numerology has not been accepted by people too easily in the past. Maybe because it shown personality traits that some of us were not yet ready to accept. However, we are now more one-minded so we can let it show us the real path of life based on numbers and letters.