Which works best for the seniors? Online or Offline Marketing?

Business is a dynamic thing that has evolved and changed with time. Sales and marketing are integral parts of any business – big and

small. With changing trends in business, changes have also come in the various sales and marketing strategies. The advent of the internet has also played a crucial part in the same. Today there are many marketers and sales personnel who believe in online sales and marketing rather than offline marketing. However, still there are people who believe that offline marketing provides better results and is more acceptable. Interestingly there are many facts and statistics that are in favor of offline marketing only.

Reports obtained from a research done way back in 2011 have some interesting data regarding offline marketing. The research was done on a filthy rich producer’s company, which was involved in financial services. The company financed some of the top notch and highly affluent clients. Now the analysts reached out to the various clients and wanted to know as how they came to know of the producer’s company. They also interviewed the clients regarding the way of finding the company and what attracted them to the same as well. Different kinds came up with different kinds of reactions and interestingly majority of it belonged to offline marketing tactics.

As per the survey, reports it was revealed that almost 34% of people came to know about the company from their friends, peers,

relatives and known people. The information spread via word of mouth through different kinds of conversations. Proactive referrals also played an important role in the same. Another 33%-34% people opined that they came to know of the company from various offline marketing strategies that the company had. Advertising on offline media was crucial. The company organized various workshops and educational seminars where various participants were invited. Direct mail was also sent to people.

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Apart from the above mentioned 67%-68%, additional 15% of the marketing was done via media exposure, but it was not related to any kind of specific event or program. Various kinds of advertisements went out on the television, radio and even in the various newspapers. Interestingly, not a single member or client cited online marketing as a source of knowing about the company. This proves that still there are people for whom online marketing is not their cup of tea. They are more comfortable with the conventional offline marketing strategies and techniques. It is still acceptable if both online and offline marketing are carried out hand in hand with one another.

It is also true that many companies and businesses are choosing the internet to reach out to their potential customers and clients. However, if you note carefully you will see that majority of these clients and customers are young people. Usually senior marketers and boomers will not be much interested in online marketing. They might use the internet and also the social media networks, but that is for staying connected to family and friends. They will never use the web for professional reasons. Seniors and boomers will hardly search on the internet for finding professional assistance on a thing or look for various services that are available online.

It is true that with the coming of the internet, marketing has taken a new leap altogether. Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing etc have helped in finding services and assistance of various kinds. Social networking websites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc can help in reaching out to the common people in almost no time at all. But senior marketers and boomers still believe and rely on the old ways of offline marketing as they help in creating bonds and helps in understanding the real demands of the clients and customers.

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