The Most Haunted 6 Places To Visit In USA

USA is quite a huge country so you could easily see many haunted places that can be visited. In fact, there are various haunted places that are close to thousands of cities in the country and even in the cities themselves. However, those that are going to be highlighted below do boast quite frequent activity and there is documented evidence together with so many eyewitness accounts that were presented in the past. If you want to experience a haunted location in USA, these are definitely your best bet.

Gettysburg Battlefield – Pennsylvania

Gettysburg Battlefield – Pennsylvania

The battle of Gettysburg is a huge part of US history. More than 10,000 people died there. Nowadays, the battlefield is seen as a national site that is important for its historical value. However, tourists that visit do often report ghostly encounters. What is chilling is that most people think that they ended up meeting some re-enactors of the Civil War but when the report took place there were no groups in the park.

Bell Witch Cave – Tennessee

Bell Witch Cave – Tennessee

Many are surprised to find haunted locations in Tennessee but this one is actually known all around the world by paranormal aficionados. The haunting history here is connected with Bell Witch, a neighbour of Kate Batts and Jon Bell. Te story goes that she was feeling cheated because of a land deal and vowed to come back and haunting John Bell while she was on her deathbed. If there are descendents of John Bell that still are alive, they are cursed too.

Stanley Hotel – Colorado

Stanley Hotel – Colorado

The Shining, Stephen King’s masterpiece, was written while he stood at this hotel. During Ghost Hunters’ investigations of the hotel, evidence was caught of paranormal activity. Also, many guests and staff report that children apparitions are common and objects are regularly moving around. If you want to spend the night at a haunted hotel, choose this one.

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Waverly Hills Sanatorium – Kentucky

Waverly Hills Sanatorium – Kentucky

You surely expected at least one sanatorium on this list, right? Waverly Hills is renowned for encounters with ghostly nurses, disembodied voices that are found in the hospital and shadowed people. Orb photos are normally going to appear when you tour Waverly Hills and the atmosphere is definitely chilling.

Eastern State Penitentiary – Pennsylvania

Eastern State Penitentiary – Pennsylvania

Since a sanatorium was present, a penitentiary is also common, no? This particular one is not like the others that claim to be haunted. This one has so much information written and published about it. It was highlighted in various documentaries that appeared on TV. The popularity is quite high for people that want to visit haunted places. If you cannot visit, there is a virtual reality tour that is present on the internet.

Saint Augustine Lighthouse – Florida

Saint Augustine Lighthouse – Florida

This is a lighthouse and a museum at the same time. It is a great spot for those looking for a haunting experience because of different reasons. For tens of years there were ghost stories that appear in connection to the lighthouse. When the site was constructed, 3 girls died as they were playing with one of the rails and the cart ended up drowning them. Ever since that moment, many visitors hear females crying and asking for help. Footsteps and highly mysterious lights often appear.

Remember the fact that these are just some of the many interesting options that are available at the moment for those looking for paranormal activity in the USA.

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