Top Spiritual Songs You Need To Have In Your Playlist

Making a list of spiritual songs to recommend is quite tough. We went through so many ideas and there are literally hundreds of tracks that we love and that we would love to recommend. While some are quite obscure and nobody knows about them, the ones that we showcase below are more known and are listed as inspirational songs by a lot of people. That is why we will stay focused on them. You can simply go on YouTube and look at the related songs so that you can find others you would love.


Tilted Shot Of A Blonde Engrossed In Music

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  1. Aretha Franklin – Amazing Grace


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We are sure that absolutely nobody will disagree with this song. Although the inspirational-spiritual song appeared in 1972, it still marks the best sold album by an artist that is world renowned and had a career of over fifty years. Numerous covers appear bypassing music genre from spiritual to heavy metal.


  1. Bobby McFerrin – Ave Maria


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Ave Maria is another of the spiritual songs that were covered a lot. What few people know is that the original is linked to Bach and Charles Gounod. The Latin text is definitely not one that many understand but that does not actually matter since it is simply beautiful. Out of the different song versions, the one by Bobby McFerrin does stand out. He manages to make you stand up and his rendition is wonderful.

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  1. Simon & Garfunkel – Bridge Over Troubled Water


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Bridge Over Troubled Water was the name of the 1970 album by the band and also the first track. It is one of the really covered songs and is mostly the composition of Simon. The composer wanted a piano gospel sound and worked with Larry Knechtel. Then, other musicians were brought in and the rest is history: one of the best spiritual songs ever.


  1. Bobby McFerrin – Don’t Worry Be Happy


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Not the classical spiritual song that you are used to listening to but one that is definitely quite attractive since it gives us that positive energy that we so often lack at different points in life. Bobby McFerrin definitely influenced millions and this is a song that is still listened today. It is hard to find a person that does not know it, even if they do not know the artist that sings.


  1. Cat Stevens – Morning Has Broken


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Cat Stevens’ Morning has broken needs to be included in a list of the top spiritual song. The original is a Christian hymn that appeared in 1931 with words by Eleanor Farieon. Cat Stevens (later known under the name Yusuf Islam) made history with his rendition of the song for the Teaser And The Firecat album.

Do you like our list of the spiritual songs that we always enjoy listening to? Is there one that you believe needs to be added to a top 5 and that truly inspires you? If so, share it with us and all the visitors in the comments below. We could all know more spiritual songs since this does make the world better.

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