Great Tips for Make-up during Summer

Summer is a time when your skin gets drenched in sweat and dirt. You can’t help but cry in pain when your skin gets burnt at the slightest exposure to sunlight.

Protection against Sun Damage: Skin tanning is the biggest fear that ladies harbor during summertime. A bit of tanning looks good but an excess leads to skin damage. And no woman would want to damage her skin cells permanently in order to get a bit of tan on her face. So, stock a sunscreen in the front most row of your beauty cupboard. Prefer to use one with a higher SPF factor even if you think that one with a lower SPF will do. We are not so much aware of the UV radiation that is filtered into the earth’s atmosphere. But, I am sure it must be much greater than it used to be before, thanks to us humans who have done every possible thing to deplete the ozone layer.

Skin Tan for a Sensual Look: Everybody loves a bit of tan to look sensual and gorgeous. But, do you need to do anything for that during summers? Summer sunshine gives you a natural tan if you stand exposed to the sun just for a few minutes. So, don’t use a cosmetic tanner, but you can always sprinkle a bit of bronze powder for that effect.

Moisturize-Moisturize-Moisturize: There is humidity in the air during summers, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to moisturize. A lot of moisture is lost from your face during summertime in the form of sweat. The heat saps the moisture from your skin; make it dry, dull, and withered. Moreover, your skin accumulates a lot of dirt giving rise to blackheads and other skin problems like acne. Skin cleansing is of utmost importance during this season.

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Go for a moisturizer that is easily absorbed in your skin. You surely don’t want anything that stays on for long making you feel greasy and yucky. Chuck the thick creams; go for the light and flowing lotions.

You may use a moisturizing lotion or a home-made face pack with cooling properties. A cucumber mask is the best thing to apply to your face during summers. Fruit face washes like strawberry or apple face wash are popular for summertime use. They make you feel clean and fresh all day long. Freshness is the attribute you must not forget while choosing a skincare product for summers.

Sweep off the Sweat: Applying make-up is a real big hassle at such times. Whatever you apply comes off through the sweat. So, if your skin has a tendency to sweat too much, then you must use an effective anti-perspirant before you apply any make-up. The frequency of skin cleansing must be increased during summer as you need to provide a cooling touch to your face so that it doesn’t get burnt.

Light Makeup: You must opt for light makeup during summer. Heavy make-up doesn’t gel with the spirit of the season. Pastel shades are in during summertime. Light pink, pistachio green, bronze, and light orange are the hues of this season. There is no harm in getting experimental and trying the subtle hues of grey and silver too. Just make sure it goes with your mood, apparel, and the event. As far as you are good with the application part, anything is worth a try.

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Hide the Flaws: Acne, blemishes, and other skin breakouts are more common during summer than winter. Before putting on makeup, use a foundation to cover your flaws in the most effective way. Vichy dermablend  is a good one to try as it doesn’t give you a cakey finish, but provides a natural finish. A foundation with cakey finish is a bad choice during summer as it mixes with sweat, drips, and looks unnatural.

Clean the Grease: Your skin becomes greasy during summertime, so applying make-up that doesn’t mix with the grease and render a messy appearance is the key. Making your makeup stay for long on your face is a challenge during this season. If you wish to avoid heavy foundation and need something that acts like an instant face booster, you may try the Clarins beauty flash balm. With a quick application of this, your skin will have instant glow and will be ready for makeup which will then last much longer due to its non-oily formula.

Opt for Mineral makeup: If you wish to wear mascara or eyeliner, make sure you buy the water-proof type. You must go for mineral-based make-up that is natural and doesn’t damage your skin which is more prone to being so during summer. These products are enriched with skin-nourishing make-up, and hence act both as a health and beauty product.

Some women are afraid of putting on any make-up during summer for the fear that it might come off in public and make them feel awkward. But, with the right method and products, you can look gorgeous even in the sultriest of summers.

Author: Dolly Richards – Follow her on Google+. 

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