5 non-traditional Gift Bag Ideas

Keeping things new and exciting can be difficult. It seems like everywhere you turn there is always an idea that has already been done and sometimes done better. This can be very difficult when you are trying to come up with a great and unique gift bag idea for someone special. Unfortunately, purchasing a non-traditional gift bag may be a bit easier said than done. In those cases, you can use a little imagination and some ready-made items to create the perfect gift bag. Here are five non-traditional gift bags to help you with some ideas.


Burlap Gift Bags


burlap gift bags
By Kim Love under CC BY-SA 2.0


Burlap sacks and bags can be found at most craft and hardware stores. These bags are the perfect base for a non-traditional gift bag idea. There are several steps you can take to transform a standard burlap sack into something unique and extraordinary. One step is to stitch a design into the burlap. If you do not have the time to stitch a design you can always choose to paint a design directly onto the burlap. Buttons and ribbon can add a special flare for folk art style gifts.  If the gift is a country, folk art or primitive themed gift then burlap is the way to go.


Flour Sack Gift Bags

Flour sacks are a non-traditional gift bag idea that is seldom used. The truth is, flour sacks are easy to find and very easy to transform into a unique gift bag for larger gifts. The flour sack material will hold a color easily and fabric pens offer a vibrant color touch for the more artistically minded gift giver. The flour sack gift bag is perfect for holding multiple gifts. If you have a student moving into a dorm or someone moving into their first apartment, then a flour sack gift bag can be the perfect non-traditional gift bag that can be reused as well.

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Duct Tape Gift Bags

Duct tape is the first thing people think of when they consider a quick repair. However, duct tape may not be the first thought when it comes to gift bags and gift giving. This is what makes a duct tape gift bag one of the most unique and non-traditional gift bag ideas around. Duct tape comes in a variety of colors, styles and patterns. You can even find Hello Kitty and Bob the Builder duct tape to create gift bags for kids. If you have a carpenter or outdoorsman with an upcoming gift giving event, then consider a duct tape gift bag made from camouflage colored duct tape. It will be a unique and non-traditional way to pay homage to the things that make an outdoorsman tick.


Recycled Denim Gift Bags

Recycling jeans to make a denim purse or denim skirt is a common craft trick. You can use that same style of recycling, orupcycling, to transform an old pair of jeans into a recycled denim gift bag that is perfect for the casual guy or girl in your life. By simply cutting off the jeans and sewing them across the bottom you can create a non-traditional and amazingly unique gift bag for any occasion. You can use a pretty ribbon for the handle of your denim gift bag or you can even use another part of the blue jeans to make a handle.This is a great bag for a summer gift, outdoors themed gift or for a friend’s  housewarming.


Beer Box Gift Bags

They have been called “The Man’s Gift Bag” and honestly they are the perfect non-traditional option to the standard gift bag. Using a suitcase size beer box with some decorative tissue paper and filling this non-traditional creation with football, baseball or other sports themed gift items is a great way to make a hit at the next sports party. However, you may find your favorite male is a bit upset that the beer is gone, so always have a backup case!

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Business Minded

If you have a business and package items as gifts for your customers, you may want to consider some of the above options. It is important to recognize the various ways you can be unique and draw customs in to your business. There are many factors to consider such as how custom printing adds value to your packaging, the color of packaging, etc. Business owners should research their options and use some of the ideas above to create unique packaging options so customers instantly visit when in need of a gift!