Photo Biotherapy in Action – Laser Hair Treatment Explained for the Lay Person

Photo Biotherapy – A Laser Hair Treatment That Is Virtually Unknown

Encouraging existing hair cells to repair themselves. This process is fuelled by a natural engine – photo biotherapy – which works according to principles found in normal hair and cell repair.

Cells repair themselves when light is absorbed (on the right frequencies) – the light penetrates into the cell and stimulates blood flow and cell metabolism. The protein synthesis processes that may have stopped working properly in hair cells where baldness or thinning hair are a problem can be kick-started by the laser light, which gets deep inside the scalp tissue.

Baldness and thinning hair are themselves natural occurrences, caused by the normal development of the hair life cycle through the years. In some instances, though, the thinning or balding can be quite dramatic and upsetting for the patient. Laser hair treatment aims to slow and even reverse this degenerative process by stimulating hair roots to remain strong and re-grow at the end of their normal cycles.

All the hairs on your head will fall out at some point: you only go bald when they are no longer replaced by newer, younger ones. This process, the hair life cycle, is invariable amongst humans: everyone’s head is covered in hairs at every stage of the cycle, some old and waiting to fall out (leaving only the root behind); some young and still growing and some mature. At any given time, you will normally have a balance of hair in each stage of the cycle, thus giving you a full head of covering.

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Where the covering is no longer full, there may still be roots present under the skin. The death of a hair follicle normally only includes its visible body – the root from which it grew remains under the pore and should sprout new young hairs in the fullness of time. Laser hair treatment may stimulate dormant roots into production, in the right circumstances, thereby noticeably rejuvenating the head.

In order for the treatment to work, the lasers must be used intensively and frequently. As with any therapy involving a laser, which is potentially quite dangerous when used unadvisedly or without expert attention, laser hair treatment must be completed in a qualified installation and carried out by competent and skilled technicians.

Laser hair treatment may not always promote growth where growth has stopped – but it is likely to halt thinning and balding for some time. It may also clear out debris from the hair shaft, essentially refurbishing the hairs of the patient so that his or her head of hair appears fuller and softer.

It is important to understand the causes of any given instance of baldness or hair thinning before a course of treatment is prescribed. The patient may have other factors affecting his or her current ability to maintain a healthy hair life cycle – nutrition, for example – and as such the courses of treatment most suited to her or his requirements may change from laser hair treatment to a different form of intervention.