Chakra Colors – What Should We Know About Them?

Chakras are the principal mediators between the energies of our body and the exterior ones. They mediate the electromagnet and other subtle impulses of our energetic system. They retrieve the different forms of our energy and help our body to distribute them in different physical, mental and spiritual functions.

Even though they are not part of our physical body, they help at the connection of our energetic fields, interpenetrating our body and participating at its functions. In spite of being considered nonsense for a long time, modern science and technology demonstrates that in the traditional locations of Chakras, our body releases a more intense electromagnet flow.

Chakras mediate the energy from the inside and the outside of the body through the different spinal connections. In this way, all the organs, tissues and cells receive the energy they need. When there is an imbalance, chakras try to push a big amount of energy and vital force into the spots with the problem. When the imbalance does not fix, chakras might get weak.

This is why it is important to understand the physical and metaphysical aspects of chakras.

There are 7 Chakras, each of them having a different color. From Red to Violet, Chakras care the Rainbow colors.

1. Red is The Root Chakra, located in front of the perineum; it influences the reproductive system and circulatory system, being the base centre of our vital energy. Muladhara governs the survival instincts, having an impact on our aggressiveness, greed, thoughtless and so on.

2. Orange is the Sacral Chakra, being located in the lower abdomen. It represents our ability to accept the world around us. If the Chakra is nicely open and it has a nice shade of orange, the person is more likely to have different communication and creativity skills. If it is imbalanced, this Chakra can lead to obsessions. Physically, Swadistana is the most important centre of detoxification in the body.

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3. Yellow, the Solar Plexus Chakra, located around the stomach, controls your energies and activities. It helps the body to assimilate the nutritional substances and it also has to do with the left hemisphere of the brain. Manipura will help you be confident and in control; if this Chakra is open, you will make right decisions and if it is not, you will begin to lose yourself.

4. Green is associated with the Heart Chakra. It is our power to love. Anahata influences the thymus and the entire immune system. It is connected to all of our childhood diseases and the right hemisphere of the brain. The emotional attitude that this Chakra can cause is anger. If you want to be more loving and open to others, try to reflect on green and pink colors.

5. Vishuda is the Blue – Throat Chakra. It governs our ability to verbalize. In terms of physical aspects, it influences the respiratory, bronchial and vocal system. It represents the truth, but it can also cause rigidity in thinking and melancholia.

6. Indigo – The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna), influences the endocrine system and it affects the brain’s synapses. It channels intuition, spirituality and clear vision, but if it does not work properly, it can cause worries, fears and superstitions.

7. The Crown Chakra, which is Violet, represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. Sahasrara is connected to our nervous system and the entire skeletal system. It has a great power over our purification capacity and it can open our mind to knowing more aspects of life. It means oneness with God and complete Peace.

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Now that you know about chakra colors, there are many extra things that we could say. However, we will discuss this in a later post.