As Grand As Wedding

What is that one thing that people from every corner of the world are concerned about apart from life and death? Bingo, Its “marriage”! Marriage has been the ruling motif in the human life since the birth of civilization. When the boys and the girls are in their youth they fall prey of their parents’ well nurtured and long planned trap of wedding much against or for their will; and when these boys and girls get promoted to be the parents themselves they take the revenge of their parents on their children on the grounds of marriage!

“The Big Wedding”- the title is enough to imply how the marriage motif is enormously being filmed in Justin Zackham’s upcoming movie. The word “big” deliberately shows the ironic allusion behind it, thereby implying the hugeness and great value of the wedding theme in the movie. There have been plenty of movies made in Hollywood based on the theme of romantic comedy and in almost all of them wedding has the central role to play. “The Big Wedding” is yet another rom-com magnum opus from the Hollywood box. Starring Robert De Niro and Diane Keaton, this movie is based on the novel “Mon frère se Marie” by Jean-Stéphane Bron and Karine Sudan. Apart from De Niro and Diane Keaton who play the divorced parents in the film, there are Ben Barnes and Amanda Seyfried, the couple for whom the whole events of wedding take place.

This film tells the story of another modern American family for whom marriage and divorce are just two occasions in life to celebrate whenever one wishes for. Don and Ellie Griffin, a couple who are long divorced now, but the present situation in their life forces them to unite back again and act as a happily married couple for the sake of their adopted son Alejandro. In the movie Ben Barnes plays the role of Alejandro who romances Missy, played by Amanda Seyfried and gets ready to marry her. But the problem occurs when Ben’s biological mother comes from Colombo to attend the wedding. She is a catholic and she strongly believes in the institution of marriage and doesn’t believe in divorces. So for the sake of their son’s happiness and passing the important event of their son’s wedding without any commotion and interference Don and Ellie decide to stay together for the time being and pretend to be a happily married couple.

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In the process of trying to avoid the awkward situation in front of their adopted son’s over-conservative mother, they create a situation where they themselves fall awkwardly in an attempt to play false roles. This film’s comic elements lie in the scenes where in the presence of their excessively amused friends and adult children Don and Ellie have to save the situation every time by their gestures and humorous events.

The romance lies therein- in the midst of all these fun, humour, heart breaks, patch up and wedding, thereby leading to a happy ending. Under an excellent direction of Justin Zackman, every star performs their role to the level of veracity. Produced by Anthony Katagas, Clay Pecorin, Richard Salvatore, Harry J. Ufland and Justin Zackham, “The Big wedding” promises to have a grand opening in the theaters of America in this April.