Top 10 Wheelchair Dressing Up Costumes

Whether it’s an animal themed birthday celebration or simply a fancy-dress night out, there are some exceptional costumes out there which incorporate yourself and your wheelchair. We’ve rounded 10 of the best wheelchair costumes to give you inspiration so the next time one of your friends suggests a superhero themed hen or stag night, or any other kind of fancy dress, you’ll be well prepared with ideas!


For the Sci-Fi fans:


1.Star Wars wheelchair costume


Darth Vader Tie Fighter wheelchair Costume
By Kevin Tostado under CC BY 2.0


Star wars has long been a favourite science fiction film which spans the generations, whether you prefer the original trilogy filmed in 1977 or their modern counterparts, you are sure to find a suitable emulation that you can bring to your wheelchair. This guy, for example, has fashioned the Darth Vader Fighter Costume from cardboard, a little bit of paint and a Darth Vader fancy dress costume. The cardboard is ideal as it is lightweight and can easily be attached to a wheelchair without hindering the user, particularly manual wheelchairs such as the one pictured. You just need to source a good Vader costume!


2. Dr Who


A little Doctor wheelchair costume
By Tresa Edmunds


Take your pick of the doctors with this Doctor Who costume! Many party goers have dressed like the Doctor in the past, but how many of them have actually been accompanied by the TARDIS? Easily constructed around the frame of your chair with wood or sturdy cardboard and the trademark blue paint of the TARDIS, all you have to do is don a stripy scarf to transform into the Doctor of your choice.

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Animation/Cartoon wheelchair costumes:


3. Superhero

For all the wannabe superheroes out there, now you can be the hero and have your wheelchair transformed into your choice mode of transportation. In this instance, a bat-mobile!


4. Wall-E

Wall-E wheelchair costume


If you have a burning desire to replicate the loveable wall-E, your wheelchair is the ideal frame. Your wheels can be encased in Styrofoam triangles attached the axle.


Historical wheelchair costumes:


5. Train


Velveteen Rabbit - Train
By Natalie Tsang


It’s been mentioned before, but the lightweight nature of cardboard and the rigidity of Styrofoam are ideal materials to fashion more ambitious costumes. This Train attaches to the frame of the wheelchair without unbalancing it and looks fantastic.


6. Knight & horse


By photobuclet
By photobuclet

This is something a little bit different for those with mobility scooters: become like Henry VIII with a horse even the proudest battle lord would ride into battle. Simple, easy to attach, and sure to attract many admirers as you regally ride by.


7. Pirate Ship


Pirate ship wheelchair costume
By Nick Barkas


In the same vein as the Viking ship this pirate-inspired costume is simple to produce from cardboard, albeit with a few additions. This is something you can be as basic or creative with as you like – and being that cardboard is the same colour as wood (at a pinch) you don’t need to invest in any paint either.


Or for something a little bit different:


8. Aeroplane

Whether you’re inspired by the Wacky Races cartoons or simply have an affinity for all things avian, beyond dressing your wheelchair into an aeroplane the costume itself is simple and comfortable – a bomber jacket and scarf plus some theatrical goggles. The only question left to ask is – what colour to paint your plane?

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9. DJ wheelchair costume

If you put in enough effort you may be confused with the actual DJ, but then again maybe not if you’re at a party with a lot of your friends. Whatever the case, you can emulate the world’s best DJs with a simple boxed design and some elegantly placed duct tape. The great thing is if you ever feel like transforming back into yourself you simple need to remove the DJ booth and you’re all set.


10. Racing Car


Kasey Halloween
By Kasey


Often a favourite with younger boys or F1 enthusiastic girls, racing cars will always be a popular choice. Whoever you support, be it Sebastian Vettel or Lewis Hamilton, you’ll certainly make a grand entrance.

And so concludes our 10 fantastic wheelchair costume ideas. With a little bit of creativity, a lot of time and patience, and a fair amount of cardboard, paint, duct tape and more – you can create a costume to delight and really take advantage of the shape or type of your wheelchair.