Turning Your Study Into a Remote Office

This article gives some solid advice about turning your current study into a new remote office. You will find some tips on getting organized, creating a healthy working environment and ensuring you have the right office supplies.


Turning your study into a home office is an excellent way to demarcate a specific part of your home to only be used for work. Unfortunately, if you do not properly organize your home office, it can quickly lead to chaos – and you will soon find that non-work related items creep back in. The good news is that you don’t need real estate advice to set up a remote office, all you need to do is follow the simple tips outlined in this article.


Get Organized

It might seem like a daunting task to transform your relaxed study into a super-efficient office space. Once you get yourself organized, however, even if it takes the whole weekend to get it done – you won’t have to waste cycles rummaging around through piles of paper trying to get to that all important file you needed 15 minutes ago.

organized (Photo credit: arellis49)

When you start running your business from home, or working remotely for your employer, it becomes increasingly crucial to stay on top of where everything is. You will find that your days are less stressful if you get everything in order before you start working from home.

Stay Healthy

When you work remotely you become responsible for your own health and safety. Getting organized will reduce stress but there are other things you can do to help you healthy. Keep the place clean. You will end up spending several hours at a time in your home office. Real estate advice might suggest that you build a little extension to your house, but a well maintained office space will suffice. Dust regularly and remove any office clutter. Asthma and allergies can be aggravated by the germs and insects that thrive in messy environments. Even if your office is in an otherwise untidy household – and you don’t have the budget for an extension – make sure this area is maintained at a high standard.

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Stay Healthy At Work (Photo credit: The Hamster Factor)

Once you have a remote office, you won’t be able to wander from your cubicle at work to raid the company stationery cupboard. Even if you are able to claim the expenses of your office supplies for tax purposes, having them in place is going to be your responsibility. If you’re not organized, it may feel like you can never find a pen when you need one, and if this happens on a daily basis, working from home is going to be exasperating.


A variety of office supplies
A variety of office supplies (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Now that you are starting to focus on your remote office it is a great time to check that the supplies you do have are in order, and purchase anything that you think you will need in the near future. Have a clear out. Check every pen in your study to see if it still works. Throw out any that no longer work. You may be surprised at how much you have held onto over the years. Giving yourself a fresh start will save you a lot of time in the long run. Pick out a handful of pens that you like using, and store the others somewhere safe. As soon as one of these pens runs out replace it from your stash. You could purchase yourself a tray for all of your stationery. It can be enjoyable getting these sort of things organized, just make sure you don’t get a little too obsessive-compulsive about it

It is likely that you agree you will not need to remodel your home, or get substantial real estate advice, when you want to turn a study into a remote office. Organization is key; but you might also want to get a lock for the door…

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