Top 5 Christmas Movies To Watch In 2013

For many families from around the world, watching Christmas movies together is a tradition. However, choosing what family to watch is always difficult. There are always different wishes and it is quite hard to please every single person. Our recommendation is to basically go for different movies so that you can be sure that everyone has a great time. That is why we will go through the top 5 Christmas movies that you want to consider this year so that you can have fun, relax and enjoy the Christmas spirit in a different way than in previous years.

watching christmas movies
By Joe Shlabotnik under CC BY 2.0

5. Die Hard

This is definitely the movie that is surprising in our Christmas movies top for 2013 but we cannot deny that it is a classic and that so many people want to watch it. This is the movie that made Bruce Willis famous, even though it appeared in 1988. The reason why it is recommended is that it is set in LA during Christmas. Die Hard is perfect for the action lover that does not really want to watch movies that are 100% about the Christmas spirit. It is perfect for the night before Christmas or a little after.

4. Miracle On 34Th Street

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Definitely a classic Christmas movie. It appeared in 1947 but it is still replayed every single year in many cinemas around the world. The movie is sensible and the story is one that will touch you, that of a Santa Claus replacement that basically turns the world around for some people.

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3. Stalag 17

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This movie is an adaptation of a drama play that was done by Billy Wilder. It appeared in 1953 and has a really sad synopsis revolving around a German POW camp. You might want to see this movie in 2013 if you never saw it before and if you did see it, you surely already know if it is a good choice for you.

2. The Nightmare Before Christmas

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This Christmas movie appeared in 1993 and it is basically one of the best that were ever done in the genre. The characters that were created for this movie are known all around the world. If you still did not see The Nightmare Before Christmas, you should seriously consider it this year. We do not say this just because the main character’s voice is remembered with ease after so many years.

1. Home Alone 1 & 2

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This is basically a classic story that revolves around the Christmas spirit. It is perfect for the entire family and it is a comedy, so you can have a lot of laughs while teaching children some important lessons about live. No matter what year it is, any of the first two Home Alone movies are great for Christmas evening. Home Alone 3 is not so great.

This year focus on family time. We live in a tough economic climate so it is so easy to lose touch on the things that count in life. Christmas should remind us of what counts most and you may want to consider the top 5 Christmas movies mentioned above for a wonderful experience.

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