Top 11 Spiritual Books To Read In 2015

2015 is a great year for spirituality. People from all around the world started to be interested and now want to learn more about what was seen as science fiction in the past in the sense that few people actually saw spirituality as something that they should consider in order to become better people.

It does not matter what your spiritual view is or what your religion is. The spiritual books that we will present below offer concepts and information that practically any person can use in order to improve. The subject of spirituality is approached with the use of various styles, tools and voices. However, all the books have one thing that is common: trying to help people to uncover hidden desires while also giving them the tools that are needed to handle personal success wishes.

Make sure that you consider the spiritual books below and that you read them. They may need to be re-read since some of the concepts are quite difficult to comprehend and adopt from the first read. At the same time, we should highlight the fact that it is necessary to keep an open heart and an open mind. Only after you do that you will be able to properly benefit from reading such spiritual books. Take a look at those below and remember that they are presented in no particular order.

Danielle LaPorte – The Desire Map

Danielle LaPorte – The Desire Map

This is seen by many as a bible for understanding the dreams of your life. The author managed to basically put so much thought into what is written and we can say that every single sentence is really interesting. Do consider The Desire Map, a book of 2 parts that does include many worksheets, thought pieces and exercises you can use. However, the only problem is that you will need to spend a lot of time in order to be able to grasp all that is highlighted. This does take dedication. We all have dreams and it is really hard to make them reality. However, by going through this book, you will be able to properly differentiate between the dreams that you think you have and those that you really have.

Deepak Chopra – The Book Of Secrets

Deepak Chopra – The Book Of Secrets

This is a book that basically uses The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success and goes in deeper. Deepak Chopra is well-known and respected all around the world. The Book Of Secrets brings in a really interesting plan that guides us towards a desired life. You get access to 15 secrets that are outlined, aiding you to notice various signals that appear in a life and that you may miss without even realizing it. You will be able to break the mindset that you have at the moment, helping in discerning between bad and good choices that will lead towards modifying your destiny.

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Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist

Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist

Many do not see this as a spiritual book but this is definitely something you have to consider. If you did not read this Coelho masterpiece, you will have to. There are so many interesting life lessons that appear. You need to read every single line since you never actually know when you will be able to find something that will help you improve. It is one of the few books that you will surely love every single time you read it.

Louise Hay – You Can Heal Your Life

Louise Hay – You Can Heal Your Life

This is a spiritual book that you will go through really fast but you will love it. The author basically highlights different lessons that were learned during her life. Everything is honest and raw. The compassion that you see in this book is incredible and there are so many connections that are established between physical ailments and emotional counterparts. What we love the most is exactly this physical explanation of the emotions one feels. A truly addictive book. Remember that no matter how bad your life is at the moment, there are ways to heal and get out of predicaments. It is a guarantee that you can go over anything. This is one of the lessons that have to be learned by every single person out there.

Pam Grout – E Squared

Pam Grout – E Squared

In the event that you want to read something about spirituality that also includes real wit, you will love this read. The author offers really interesting views on the manifestation of what a person really wants in a way that seems conversational, although it is really complex. We basically learn a lot, including what happens when our prayers and efforts are not answered. It is a book that will go through the mind, reaching the philosophical sludge that offers a positive thinking that is hard to replicate.

Rhonda Byrne – The Secret

Rhonda Byrne – The Secret

Rhonda Byrne was a television producer and managed to write this book that is seen by many as the top spiritual book ever written based on the 2004 movie that had the same name. We are basically talking about the laws that are associated with attraction: asking the universe what you really want, believe in that and then keep your mind open so that you can receive it. The Secret does have a historical basis in the New Thought movement of the nineteenth century. What resulted was a true cultural phenomenon, a bestseller that is simply incredibly useful.

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Howard Cutler – The Art Of Happiness – A Handbook For Living

Howard Cutler – The Art Of Happiness – A Handbook For Living

Howard Cutler was inspired by the Dalai Lama. There is no secret in that. The result of this inspiration is a spiritual book that is basically focused on those teachings but that is aimed towards an audience that has a Western thought. This handbook will talk about how important it is to attain happiness during everyday living. It is highlighted that life has the purpose of finding happiness, which in turn will determine a person’s mental state. Make sure that you take this book and that you read it. We guarantee that it will be relevant even twenty years from now. It basically touches you without using religion or spirituality, in a way that is so easy to understand.

James Redfield – The Celestine Prophecy

James Redfield – The Celestine Prophecy

This is the first book written by James Redfield and definitely the best one. Ever since the initial publishing, it ended up being the most successful novel that was self-published. A part of the book is an adventure story while the other one is a spiritual insight into much more than just culture. The plot may seem a little corny but all the insights that are offered are going to captivate you. Just make sure that you go over the story and you try to understand the life lessons that are highlighted through the story.

Eckhart Tolle – A New Earth – Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose

Eckhart Tolle – A New Earth – Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose

Just as the name implies, we are talking about a book that will help you to minimize ego while also feeling life as it truly is. Ego is seen by many as being the real source of outer and inner conflict. New Earth did gain a lot of popularity after it was selected by Oprah as one to be included in the book club but there is a certainty that is unrelated: the spiritual book makes you a better and more successful person. Success is something that we all want. Just make sure that you understand what success really is. For that, you will need to also read the book that is presented below.

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Deepak Chopra – The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success

Deepak Chopra – The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success

There is no top of the best spiritual books that were ever written without this book, no matter what blog you read out there. This is a statement to the quality that is offered. Arguably one of the best spiritual books ever written, Chopra allows you to understand how important success is in life. At the same time, you manage to see that success may not be exactly what you initially thought it is. For the author success is basically defined as being happiness. Success is not actually limited to how much money you make, which is a reality that every single person out there should understand. Read the seven laws and make sure that it is quiet around you when you read the book. You will need to properly understand what is highlighted.

What Is Your Favorite Spiritual Book?

We are sure that some of the spiritual books that you love are not included in this list. Spirituality, happiness and success are all concepts that are really hard to define because of the fact that they are all subjective. It is vital that you understand the fact that what may inspire you may not be suitable for someone else. We do understand this and we want to invite you to tell us and others what the best spiritual books are according to what inspired you during your life. We are quite sure that there will be some really interesting reads that are highlighted. There are so many incredible spiritual books out there that should be read and that can change a person into an individual that is a lot better.