Easing the Burden of Thermostat Control

The household tolerates DIY projects as long as it is not deemed intrusive. The changing to the manual butterfly valve in a home brew operation will not raise an eyebrow. Asking for the household members to turn off the air conditioning before they leave will raise a chorus of protests. The respective mate and children do not mind making the house energy efficient if it does not interrupt their routines or comfort level. Autonomous or remote control is a key element in getting any intrusive DIY project to be accepted by the other members of the family.


Manual butterfly valve
Manual butterfly valve – Image courtesy of valvesonline.com.au


The war of the thermostat is fought on two fronts. The first is the adjustments by individuals that do not equate temperature swings with increased cost. The central heating and cooling systems consume a great portion of a household’s energy budget. The money involved for heating a room in the cooler months so the occupants can lounge in shorts is astronomical. The rest of the household can be oblivious to this. Their comfort will trump any argument based on financial savings.


Modern thermostat
By Grant Sewell under CC BY-SA 2.0


The second area that thermostat inefficiency occurs is when the last occupant leaves the house. A small tweak to the thermostat before leaving will result in substantial savings. To the DIY warrior, it is second nature to do this. The rest of the members of the family do not have this habit . They leave on their merry way unaware of the money wasted by cooling the unattended house.

The solution presents itself in the form of an internet controlled thermostat. These handy devices allow for the budget to be preserved. Through a mobile device, updates and control to the household temperature can be retained firmly in your hand. The installation and setup are straight forward.

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Thermostat Control installation tips

The first step in the installation of the new thermostat unit is to lock out the power to both the heating and air conditioning units. Locate the breaker box. Simply turn off both the breaker(s) for both appliances. The wires are now dead and ready to be disconnected.

The next step is to document how the old unit was wired in. Denoting the wires the function of each wire by labelling them. The removal of the wires from the old unit is the last step before the unit is unfastened from the wall.

The installation of the new unit is quick. Fish the wires through the mounting plate of the new unit. Secure the plate to the wall. Fasten each of the wires to the corresponding spot on the terminal strip per instruction manual. Connect the remainder of the unit to the mounting plate. Flip the circuit breakers pack on. The unit should power up and go through a self diagnostic program.

During this initial power up, the password for your home network will be required to be entered. Auto detection will confirm the presence of both the heating and cooling devices to be controlled. The app controlling the unit should be installed on the remote devices that will monitor the household. A unique password should be used for this app to retain control over this vital function.

The system is now online for customisation. At work or on the road, temperature adjustments can be done effortlessly with your mobile device. Autonomous routines can be programmed for periods of the day in which no one is scheduled to be home. Alerts can be issued when the temperature is manually adjusted by the master unit at home. Money is saved and headaches avoided by making this process streamlined and away from family focus.

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