The Most Common Personal Injury Claims

There are numerous cases of personal injury claims recognized by law in many countries. These claims normally differ in terms of the degree or extent of damage, the type of compensation being sought after as well as the way in which the injury came to be. All these factors determine the different directions as taken by the relevant legal proceedings. The legal expertise that will be sought may differ from the various categories of personal injury claims. As much as there are numerous such types of personal injury claims, there are those that are considered common.

Among the most common personal injury claims include: Product Liability Claims: Such claims normally make up more than 7 percent of the total personal injury claims. In the United States alone, it is estimated that product liability claims being filed annually are more than 20,000. Such claims are those that involve injuries caused by the many products out in the market. Such may be medical devices that are unsafe to pet products that end up injuring pets or even toys that are faulty hat end up injuring children. Such cases are also known to have among the highest medians in terms of awards in damages. This category comes only second to medical malpractice.   Slip and Fall Claims: According to statistics, accidents that involve slip and fall were responsible for over 20,000 deaths in America and over 7 million injuries in 2007. This is due to the fat that such accidents are bound to happen anywhere i.e. in malls, supermarkets, at home or even at work. However, the problem is normally proving such a claim. It normally combines two theories i.e. premises liability as well as negligence both of which have to be proven.

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Assault Claims: These are personal injury claims that account for a majority of claims of injuries to the body even though they are included in both criminal and tort laws. Such claims are known to be common with more than 2 million assault cases being reported in 201 alone in the US. In such injuries, claims that amount to emotional distress may be sought along with the physical injuries claims. Injuries at Work: These are injuries that are always expected to happen at the place of work, be they fatal or non-fatal. Such injuries include injuries as a result of repetitive stress e.g. back and neck injuries as well as carpal tunnel syndrome as a result of too much typing. However, there is a worrying trend that involves most of such injuries not being reported mostly out of fear of being terminated. Traffic Accidents: These are claims on injuries on drivers, cyclists, passengers and even pedestrians. Such claims are on the rise with the United States of America recording more than 6 million car accidents annually. On such cases, the one who compensates the other is the one who bears the most responsibility for the accident. The fact on whether or not the accident would have been avoidable also matters a lot.

Bio:David Marocchi is famous personal injury lawyer from Australia.