Inspiration comes and goes, and if you find yourself feeling uninspired at certain points, accept this reality without judgment or guilt weighing on you.
Reignite your inspiration by listening to upbeat music or reading motivational quotes, as well as learning more about people who inspire you by researching their biographies or online success stories.
1. Surround yourself with things that energize you.
We’ve all heard the phrase, “you are who you surround yourself with,” and there is much truth in this statement. Spending time with people who support and encourage your dreams while challenging assumptions and pushing you out of your comfort zone can provide great inspiration in life.
An alternative way of finding motivation is looking at people who have achieved what you wish to. Be it someone famous or even someone in your own family, finding role models who exemplify the things you hope to achieve can be a powerful source of encouragement.
Laughter and play can also serve to stimulate creative inspiration, so spending some time with children or simply watching them play can be an excellent way to find it in life. Learning something new may also spark inspiration; for instance reading up on another culture, visiting Wonderopolis or simply going for a stroll are great ways of experiencing our world from an entirely different angle and may serve as sources of creativity in itself.
2. Learn about other people’s creative processes or their lives.
Feeling inspired regularly is more than a mere “feel good” phenomenon: feeling inspired regularly has been linked with creativity, productivity and happiness. The word “inspiration” derives from Latin inspirare (“to breathe into”); thus implying that opening yourself up to new experiences brings in fresh ideas similar to when someone blows on your creative process and brings life.
Inspiration comes in all forms – whether from people or otherwise. Explore other artists, entrepreneurs or thinkers whose work you admire; watch their TED talks or podcast interviews for insight into their processes and lives; then determine if any of their ideas could help enhance your own life.
Alternately, you could try finding inspiration in everyday experiences. Things such as watching nature or taking in the aromas from coffee shops or raindrops, or meditating (though most won’t have time at work to practice it) can all help stimulate our default brain networks that enable daydreaming while connecting it with executive networks that regulate higher level tasks.
3. Create a vision board.
Vision boards are visual depictions of what you want in life, such as magazine cutouts glued on a bulletin board or digital services like Canva or Pinterest. Whatever method is chosen for you to create your vision board, its key feature should be specificity and clarity on your desired outcomes.
Vision boards provide an effective means of visualizing goals and motivating you to stay on the right path, according to research2. They help clarify intentions and focus efforts by keeping positive aspects of what you desire at the forefront.
Keep your vision board somewhere where it can be easily seen – be it an office wall, nightstand display or desktop or phone wallpaper. Don’t forget that vision boards require your energy and dedication – review it daily so it continues to motivate.
4. Take some time out in nature.
Spending time outdoors, whether hiking a mountain, taking yoga classes in a park, or even simply sitting back and watching ants climb a tree, can help calm your nerves and improve your mood. Plus it may inspire new creative ideas, expand your world view, and give you a greater sense of belongingness!
Nature provides many other benefits as well, including increasing feelings of wellbeing and helping reduce stress and depression. Furthermore, biophilia allows for connections and togetherness: from playing outside with children or taking a stroll with friends to volunteering to pull weeds at local community gardens – nature offers numerous ways for us to connect.
As nature inspires your curiosity, you may find yourself drawn to protecting it – which is perfectly natural. One of our favorite quotes echoes this sentiment perfectly: “Save the world if possible; otherwise just be what you can be and shine your light” (check out these gorgeous life-altering quotes too!)
6. Try something new.
Experience something different can add excitement and variety to your life. It may involve trying a new restaurant or making friends at yoga class, or more challengingly learning a new skill or hobby – whatever it may be, trying something different is an effective way to break free from comfort zones and open yourself up to new experiences.
Experience is often an invaluable source of creative energy, providing fresh perspectives on existing pieces or inspiring a whole new idea that you can bring into being in future projects.
Finally, adventure travel is an incredible way to create memories and stories for you and others. After all, life is short – why not fill our lives with unforgettable adventures that create stories for ourselves to look back upon? Don’t be intimidated by pushing the limits of your comfort zone; you might just find out just how rewarding the results can be!
8. Take a break.
Take regular breaks to recharge and refocus your attention. Otherwise, it can become increasingly difficult to think clearly or appreciate all that life offers you, leading to negative emotional states that negatively impact relationships with others. Even taking just 30 minutes out for yourself may help increase productivity and attentiveness when returning to work.
Effective breaks tend to focus on intrinsic motivation, so choose activities that engage your creativity, challenge you or stimulate different parts of the brain. Physical activity is an excellent way to do this as movement increases executive functioning, improves alertness and reduces fatigue. A change of environment may also provide a calming effect or combat boredom while learning something new can provide an energizing and dopamine-producing break!