Easter is always a fun time for kids, especially when they know they have a week or so break from school. Instead of the children doing the same thing, such as playing on computer games, mobile phones and basically toys that are too old or no good for them, why not give them something to do that is educational, fun and productive and also more appropriate for their own age.
This article will provide some great ideas for parents in terms of what to buy for kids, so that they can have fun at Easter and do something different.
Art and Craft Ideas for Easter
Whether you’re a parent looking to create something for you’re children at Easter or looking for ideas for what children can create, here are some ideas that you may find doing together: –
Create and Use Easter Eggs for Decorating
Decorate table (s) with small polystyrene Eggs and have a Kraft paper table cloth. Colour the eggs, attach them together with string, put faces on the eggs and attach legs to the eggs if preferred. Use string or any other arts and crafts that you can imagine. You do not require using the exact same arts and crafts materials for the Easter Eggs as mentioned, these are just ideas for you/children.
Create an Easter Bunny
Use any art and craft material that you find appropriate and feel is appropriate for children to use and create an Easter Bunny – kid’s will love this and they may keep it till for another year; a great way to get decorating the house with Easter type Arts and Crafts.
Bunny Cookies
You may think that arts and crafts does not come into cooking bunny shaped cookies, however, there are pieces of arts and crafts that children can decorate the baked bunny cookies with.
Grow Egg Heads
Children will love to grow some egg heads; using open end egg shells, decorating the eggs and putting water cress in the egg shells will not only be great fun for the kids, but also educational. Parents will have to help younger children.
Make Easter Cards
Help young children create and decorate their perfect little Easter cards. With lots of different types of cards available, there is definitely something for everyone.
Create Animals Using Eggs
A great unique idea for kids at Easter is to create an animal using an egg and some creative crafts. Kids can make a sheep using very simple, but effective arts and crafts, all you need is; cotton wool, an empty egg shell, material/pipe cleaners for legs, glue, felt for the eyes and ribbon.
Arts and Crafts for Kids
Kids love to be creative and below are some arts and crafts products that will help children to create their Easter arts and crafts ideas: –
- Paints, brushes and accessories
- Collage Materials
- Crayons and Chalks
- Display paper and Boarders
- Modelling and Moulds
- Paper and Card
- Pens, Pencils and Markers
- Scissors, Aprons and Covers