7 Top Notch Steps to Embrace in your Regimen for a more Fit You

Discipline is one of the major requisites when you are trying to weight loss. Actually reducing the weight is not an easy task. It takes a whole lot of efforts and consciousness to change your lifestyle in order to adopt a healthy existence. You must be enough motivated to take the charge of your life in such disciplined way to be active, fit and illness free throughout yourlife.

In fact weight loss is not an overnight process but a lifestyle to adopt for the rest of your life to maintain the desired weight and fitness level. There are innumerous weight loss programs, diet plans and crash diets available to assist you in your weight loss regimen. However, many of them have their particular harmful side effects that can only do harm to your health than any betterment. The key is to break down the weight loss procedure in small steps to comprise it in daily life easily. It’s better to make a customized plan based on your particular needs. It’s far better than following any rigid, strict and unhealthy routine. Below are some of the initial steps you should take one by one towards a healthier you. Try to include these steps in your regular routine at least one per week to create a healthy lifestyle:

Seven steps for healthy lifestyle

By Kevin under CC BY 2.0

1.Eliminate the snacks and soft drinks from your list. They are providing no good to you. Sodas are loaded with high calories and sugar even the diet sodas are also not recommended. Replace them with the best alternative water. On the other hand you have a wide choice of having tea, coffee, green tea, lemon water, coconut water etc.

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2.Replace your snacks with health options as nuts, carrots, popcorns, boiled corns and there is a variety of other fruits and vegetables which can take place of chips, chocolates, pastries, and other high calorie items.

3.Eliminate elevators completely from your daily routine. Make it a habit to take stairs to burn few more extra calories regularly. The more you use stairs the more you burn calories and the more you’ll lose weight positively.

4.Reducing the use of vehicles from daily life is also good for your overall health. Don’t use car for shorter distances. Don’t try to find a really close parking. Parking a little farther than your place provides you an opportunity to walk more. Every extra step you take will keep you closer to your healthier existence.

5.Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. There is not any certain amount of how much water you should take but at least drinking 8 glasses per day is essential for elders. It keeps your body toxins free and assists in bodily functions. Water keeps you feel fulland it is a perfect choice to keep you away from overeating and snacking during the day.

6.Nutrient dense food should be a major part of your daily menu. This is the food that is high in nutrient and lower in calories that helps in maintain the weight in a healthy way. Lower nutrient dietmakes it easier for you to get viral and bacterial infections because of weak immune system. A balanced diet loaded with nutrient provides you all the essential macronutrient, vitamins and minerals with lower amount of calories.

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7.Working out on a regular basis is recommended for a healthy life. This is the most healthier and recommended way to replace your fats with muscles. You should exercise for your life. A variety of exercising options assist you in shaping your body, enhancing your muscles and strength and keeping you healthy throughout the life. Try to customize your workout regimen also as per your individual needs. Combine weightlifting, stretching and cardiovascular exercises and perform them regularly for a healthy mind in a healthy body. Along with weight lifting,jogging, cycling and swimming are perfect as cardiovascular options. Yoga and Pilates poses provide you the benefits of stretching your muscles and joints.