7 Useful Tools for Effective Link-Building to Avail Long-term Benefits

Link-building is a tricky task, especially when the target is a long-term gain. Quality links need diligence, patience & an excellent  ability for the organization of the information.

SEO Toolbar by SEOBOOK

The SEO Toolbar is a tool that displays several SEO related statistics like directory listings, page rank, competitive information and access to the site listing at whois.com. This tool has been considered as a must-have for SEO professionals dealing with link building tasks. Each of the information displayed by this tool provides a help for prioritization and qualification of potential opportunities related to links. As a Firefox extension, this tool provides an ease of use and convenience to the user.

Blogger Link Up

BLU (Blogger Link Up) provides many benefits to the SEO link builders, but to avail such benefits, one needs to create an account. After sign up, you will be subscribed to emails from BLU stating internet users of two categories, those who need guest posts and those who are having guest posts. The email received under this subscription is mailed to you at a frequency of 3 emails in a week, with different information categories including the URL of the website, guidelines for the guest post, email address and the condition that the site accepts content that is already published or not.


MyBlogGuest is another website that works similarly to the BLU and provides contacts for those who require a content for their website. Thus, this site also helps create a connection between those who are willing to write the content with those who are in the need of a written content.

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Tout works as an extension to the Chrome browser from Google and helps you to find the contact details on any website that you are browsing on. It also helps you by providing details about what might happen to the email that you have just sent, like it will be viewed or just passed on. It also helps you in testing your a/B messaging and let you see the one that is getting a better response.


Another tool working as an extension with the Google Chrome, Streak helps you in flawlessly managing your outreach. By creating a pipeline, streak helps you with tracking every  single website or person that you have contacted at least one. With this you can be clear about the number of people that you have already contacted, how many out of them have worked for you , how many are working and how many have been assigned with the task of getting your blog post written. With custom email templates for pipelines, you can get your work done easily and quickly.


This chrome’s extension has a focus on the properties of social media. When you are in an email thread with a person, this tool shows you social details for that person.

Open Site Explorer

A paid tool by SEOMoz, with limited functionality in free version, OpenSiteExplorer provides an analysis of backlinks over any website. So, by using these tools, you can expect a long-term gain.