18 Emerging Topics at the Junction of Business and IT in 2013

The huge advancement in the field of technology and changes in the market have successfully brought a major transformation on business and IT sector. However, the junction of business and IT is also greatly affected and hence, several new strategies and business processes are now introduced that greatly helped in making adequate adaption in a completely transformed environment. Many effective technologies such as, cloud computing, business performance management, automated risk management, open supply chains etc, are profoundly supportive in terms of establishing a perfect link between the business and IT industries. Several other factors like condition of the workplace and related facilities such as, kind of software accessible in the organization, mobile services and related latest applications and many other services in the IT industry. All these things are important just to grasp the best and potential candidates for the workplace.  In the year of 2013, there are several emerging topics that came into picture as the important factors regarding the junction of business and IT. Most of these topics were either completely related to the business or technology based topics. At the same time, few of the topics are influenced by both the fields. This specific article is highlighting eighteen major topics that are emerged regarding the junction of business and IT industry in the year of 2013.

Junction of Business and IT in 2013


Business by Kosta Kostov
Business by Kosta Kostov

1. Business performance management tools

Since very earlier times when workflow systems were newly introduced in the organization then process optimization and automation were highly on demand. A significant rise in business performance management tools and standards has also put its major impact on business processes and automation for any company. Initially, BPM was highly process oriented and strongly followed for organizations that are based on procedure.  Few of the tools such as Intalio and Process Maker are one of the good examples of utilizing the combination of technology and business effectively.

2.Cloud computing

Cloud computing is another innovative thing proposed that allows the easy accessibility of several newly introduced application models in most of the organizations. It also contributes in minimizing the costs that required in terms of managing and providing support. As per the reports, about twenty two percent organizations are already using cloud computing for resolving critical problems in business. Cloud computing is also beneficial in terms of bringing various useful opportunities related to the market for most of the organizations this year.

3.Current scenario of IT industry

In the current scenario of IT industry, the excessive growth of interconnected systems has created a major problem into it. One of the significant cases is when the silos came into action and set a strong interconnection between the far sections in the same organization. Such condition further also ensures that completely new applications will be introduced and can be easily matched with the industry norms or corporate policy and will be used effectively. However, no specific software is building up for its effective use as of now.

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4.Crowd sourcing

In accordance of one article published through the Wall Street Journal, technology greatly contributes in allowing us to enter such an innovative field that were too impossible to work with during the years in the past. Nowadays, an organization can reach to any person being located to any corner of this world and can ask them to make their contribution for product designing or creation. Hence, crowd sourcing is one such popular software or say technique that helped many organizations to run their business successfully.

5.Web 2.0

Web 2.0 has come into popularity and many tools were also developed to use them effectively. However, these blogs are still lagging behind due to the need of a content of at least 300 words and that well enough presents the information. People lack in time and writing skills and this has lead to the fall of usage meter of the blogs. However, the microblogging sites like twitter have paved the path between all these hurdles as they do not need length content. You can share exact facts and the links too easily and the sharing is more direct that the blogs.

6.Emergent architecture

Emergent architecture is another major application highlighted as an effective approach to IT industry and business architecture which also receives enough attention from it. Overall, this collaborative approach combines the previous initiatives along with the aim of introducing enterprise in an effective and strong manner. At the same time, other applications like Enterprise 2.0 presented by one of the renowned professor from Harvard Business School, is one of the best application of technology in the field of business. There are certain common examples such as, blogs, social networking software etc, that comes under the category such tools. However, many organizations have started deploying this application to avoid some complications associated with it.

7.Content discovery

Content discovery has also become a factor to be thought of and worked on. Today you need to find out content and information from not only plain website pages but also pdf files, some other forms of databases. You can even extract content through audio and video files using a writer.

8.The enterprise mashups

The enterprise mashups is another highly common approach noticed in the field of software development. However, it has become very rare these days. Few of the software organizations like IBM constantly worked on developing new applications at rapid manner after considering all previous business services and data of already existing enterprises. On the other side, blogging lost its popularity due to the excessive development of web based tools from past several decades. This could be due to the time and appropriate writing skills required for maintaining the blog. Later, a new application called microblogging was introduced that allows successful display and circulation of small forms of information and it can be produced within a fraction of seconds. Such facility greatly helps in creating important information at single platform and allows successful circulation of that message within organization or in a broad scale.

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9. Mobile development

Most importantly, the advanced mobile services comprising all useful applications such as, web browser and app store etc, has made it possible to access all your business data right in the phone without any critical functions. As a result, the advancement in smartphone technology has become one of the upcoming technologies in the year of 2013 and resulted into several opportunities for software development. Later, a major focus is given to develop special business software in mobile devices.

10.Data storage

Some non-relational databases such as, Amazon, Scalaris , Mongo, Couch DB etc, immensely helped in storage and accessing of large amount of data in an efficient manner. Several new applications are successfully developed in a complete web oriented manner and allowed to have reliable and safe storage of important data in any business.

11.Business application development

With the use of latest productivity-oriented programming platforms such as, combination of Ruby with Rails and Java and Grails etc, a large web applications are developed that is one of the parts of the market about the business application development. These different ways for productivity development profoundly contribute in saving a lot of time during software development practices. However, in the year of 2013, .Net and Java are the most popular software programs in enterprise field.

12.Web-oriented architecture

With the advent of few social computing tools and enterprise mashups, several business services or functions are resulted and hence, definite security for the data was on demand in 2013. As a result, security tools were expected to be used for determining the problems in specific enterprise within a definite period of time. The web problems like security holes, worms, data leakage or any other form of cyber attack needed to be eradicated with the help of security tools.  On the other side, few specific architectures such as, service-oriented architecture is always in demand for running enterprise IT and business services at that time. Similarly, web-oriented architecture is considered as one of the best techniques for the architecture of enterprise and makes it more effective in the market of business.

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13.Social CRM

The introduction of social CRM is another crucial application that exists in the field of enterprise.  The value and information is mutually exchanged between the customer and the market. At the same time, social computing greatly helps in terms of planning strategic results of software for real business complications. The social computing has brought a significant change or say revolution for many organizations, especially in terms of media marketing, social business models and likewise.

14.Real time security

Real time security is gaining importance as the need of a security tool to prevent data spills is increasing. It is used to identify a myriad of problems in an enterprise architecture stack quickly and efficiently. The security system now needs to be smart enough to instantly detect Trojans, worms, security holes, XSS attacks, data leaks and other similar problems.

15.Social computing

Social computing includes Social CRM and Enterprise 2.0 but there is a broader transformation taking place in many firms and they are using certain strategic application of social software to real estate business. This include fields like social media marketing, vertical industry specific social networks, etc.

16.Unified communication

Unified communication has become a need as there are so many communication channels through which you can place your words in front of the audience. A unified channel will help to do this task effectively through a hub like feature. Online services like Friend feed are already working on this feature and are doing well.

17.Non-relational databases

Non-relational databases are and applications like CouchDB, Amazon, SimpleDB, Mongo, etc. are creating new models that are more useful and technologically advanced. All of these are web based data sources. They help to access huge data sources with high storage capacity.

18.Social computing and mobile services

In the end, the concept of unified communication has also got its importance to some extent. Meanwhile, several new communications means or say channels were also developing. Such communication channels greatly helped in controlling the social activity in a complete effective manner. So, each and every organization that had stopped using unified communication may needed to start off with a new form of unified communication to successfully establish the social computing and mobile services in the year of 2013 and henceforth. All above mentioned points regarding eighteen emerging financial topics greatly put its impact on junction of business and IT.